
We’re not really sure what day it is. Thursday and Friday were holidays here in Argentina so our last day of school was Wednesday, but we kept thinking it was the weekend. Anyhow, we’ve mostly been bumming around (like Holly above), enjoying the sunshine after last week’s couple of rainy days.
Chris has been working on and off, enjoying the flexibility of working when he feels like it — with the exception of phone call meetings. I’ve been working on putting my book Awesome Supervisory Skills on different platforms, like iBooks and Google Play. It’s not as instant as Amazon and I have a feeling Amazon will continue to be the biggie, but the benefits of expanding outweighed the benefits of being exclusively on Amazon.
We’re also prepping for our next leg in Costa Rica. Our to-do list is halfway complete, and we have all of next week to finish:
Book refundable onward ticket so we can enter the country (which we’ll cancel later)- Call bank/credit card company to extend the travel notices on our accounts
Check bank account balances; make transfers as neededBook place to stay in San Jose for a night before we head to SámaraCheck bus schedule and logistics for getting to Sámara- Stop by internet cafe to print out copy of Costa Rica’s pet import requirements to bring to vet
- Take Holly to the vet to get an exam and health certificate
- Take Holly for grooming
- Go to SENASA to get an official health certificate, required for Holly’s entry into Costa Rica
- Book taxi to pick us up at an ungodly hour to get to the airport
Not on the list, but equally important, is to go get a really good steak one more time before we leave. I’m not a big steak eater, but I can’t leave without having one. For Chris, this will be a repeat affair.
Lastly, here’s a photo from our morning walk yesterday. Love the architecture in Buenos Aires.