
Work, World Cup, beach — repeat. That’s our routine here in Tulum. Theoretically we should just get up and go first thing in the morning since that’s when it’s coolest, but we’re at our most focused in the mornings and we like to sit back with our coffee.
Not much to report, except that we’re about a month away from our home stretch. So we’re doing quite a bit of planning. More to be announced. In the meantime, here are more photos.
Don’t let a coco fall and hit you in the face
These guys take people out snorkeling every day — one day we’ll go with them
My new beach pastime is to create little gardens made out of the stuff I find within an arm’s reach of my towel
On the other side of this tree was a group of dudes playing techno music
The road that runs parallel to the beach
Turtle eggs live here
Riding home on the bike path — then, when we get to the freeway, we have to dart across