
Hot sauce! We found a place with hot sauce!
We had dinner at this delicious (and deliciously trendy) ramen restaurant this evening. It was started by a couple with roots in both Argentina and the U.S., and they make a tasty dumpling. Did you know that Argentinian food is not spicy? Same with Chilean food. Sometimes you’ll find a Tabasco-like chili sauce, but it’s more vinegar than heat. We’ve been really missing Asian foods, in addition to hot sauce, so we were in heaven.
Speaking of heaven and dogs that are trying to go there early, we figured out why Holly is so sick. Let’s go from the appetizing to the totally unappetizing:
We found this rock in Holly’s poop today. It’s somewhere between the size of a nickel and a quarter. WTF.
Don’t ask us how we found it and what we had to do to identify it; your imagination will suffice. We have no idea when she ate this, and we’re hoping it was the only one. She seems to be feeling a lot better, but if her bad stomach persists we’ll take her back to the vet.
In other news, I published a guest blog on Brazen Careerist today with advice on how to take a leap year of your own! You know you want to take a career break too. All the cool kids are doing it.
Lastly, we’re in the home stretch planning for our next location. Tomorrow, I have to get on the phone with the animal health inspectors at our destination airport to make sure they accept animals entering into the country 24/7. It’s important to confirm before we book our plane tickets. If we arrive when the inspectors aren’t there, they might quarantine her — or send us back!