These two goldens live across the street from us. When they hear Holly’s ID tag jingling, they come running. There are lots of people with dogs in La Paz, but I don’t see people walking them often unless it’s in the evening on the Malecón. There are also street dogs, which are more tame than the pet dogs. (It’s true. When my dad first told me, I didn’t believe it either.) People’s pet dogs are always barking and lunging. I guess they’re trained to be like guard dogs.
Chris and I did a lot of catching up with friends and family today on Skype and via email. So, so, so important when traveling and makes us very happy.
It was also a bit of a “work” day, with Chris and I working on our respective projects for a few hours before carrying on with our lives of leisure. We had lunch over by Mercado Madero, which is one of the two big public markets in town. There’s a section attached to it filled with small restaurants. I was going to take a photo, but it felt rude to snap a photo of everyone while they were eating. So here’s the front of Mercado Madero instead. They sell everything you’d expect: fruit and veggies, meat and fish, crafts, clothing and accessories, pre-made foods, etc.
We’ve only got a couple weeks left in La Paz, so we’re scrambling to do all the things we said we had “plenty of time to do before we leave.”