
La Paz is a city that cares about the environment. This sign says, “We also drink water.”All around, we see signs like this mural. There were some rainstorms several weeks ago, so the desert is very green and flowers are blooming.
Today we’ve made the decision to move. We love so many things about our casita and there’s a lot we can make do without, but clean is a deal breaker for us.
I had told the casita’s owner that we were going to look for a new place if he didn’t fix the water and cockroach issues. He made a good-faith effort, but ultimately they weren’t fixed. I doubt we’ll get our money back, but it’s better than living there for two months without running water and hearing the skittering of roaches while we sleep.
The good news is the B&B we stayed in the past two nights has a furnished apartment with a kitchenette for rent on a monthly or weekly basis, and it’s just around the corner from our casita so we get to stay in the same neighborhood. It’s more expensive, but still within our budget, so we think we’ll be OK. The B&B’s owner says she has some other apartments she’s working on furnishing that will be available in November, so we’ll reevaluate at the end of the month if needed. The good news is that all we have is our backpacks and Holly, so moving is a breeze.
The lesson here is that it’s OK to “call it” and move past a poor decision, rather than sticking it out just for the sake of doing so. And if you’re planning full-time travel, know that this could happen to you and it’ll all work out in the end.
We’ve been having a nice time talking with locals and practicing our Spanish, so we’re feeling pretty optimistic. Once the whole housing situation quiets down, we’ll be good as gold.