
Today is all about Holly! By the way, have we shown you these Holly cards? We met a couple who were giving these away and we thought they were genius, so we ordered some and Chris’s mom brought them when she came to Buenos Aires. When we meet new folks, we give them one.
Two other reasons today is a Holly day:
- She’s famous! When we were planning for our leap year, one of the sites that helped us figure out what to expect was Dog Jaunt. Now that we’ve got some dog-travel experience under our belt, we wanted to pay it forward and share what we’ve learned. The blog’s founder, Mary-Alice, let me post a guest blog on how to travel with your dog within Latin America. When you’re there, check out her travels with her super cute Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Chloe.
- She’s prepping for Costa Rica! We stopped by the vet today for her required health exam and health certificate. The vet was really friendly, gave her a LOT of treats while we were there, and told us to come back if we run into any issues getting our official health certificate. Tomorrow we have to go wait in line at SENASA in Puerto Madero to do just that. We also had a fun exchange with the vet, which we’ll leave you with –
Vet: (Reviewing Holly’s documents) Ah, son de California?
Chris: Si! Somos de California.
Vet: Bueno! Me gusta Red Hot Chili Peppers.