
Valparaíso’s Cerro Bellavista is home to the Museo del Cielo Abierto, or Open Air Museum. We didn’t know much about it except that it’s a number of murals throughout the mostly residential neighborhood. With bellies full of berlines, we set out.
From Plaza Victoria, we took Calle Edwards up the hill. It was so steep and narrow that cars had to honk in warning before taking turns. There were a number of these tiles in the sidewalk which — we presumed — told us we were on the path to see murals. They seemed pretty deliberately placed. So we decided to follow them.
And we saw some murals!
There was a more formal entrance near Asensor Espiritu Santo, but the asensor was closed. So hoofing it up the hill was the way to go. The hills aren’t so bad. This postman below has to take them every day and he’s doing fine! He probably has really toned calves.
While we enjoyed the murals, it was also just fun to check out the neighborhood. The architecture is so interesting and the streets are so colorful. Gotta see as much as we can before we head south in just over a week.