
No, this isn’t the island where Dumbledore was buried — even though it bears a striking resemblance. It’s La Islita, a small island in Lago Lácar.
We’d been looking forward to kayaking today ever since we checked the forecast last weekend. We patiently waited out the cold by hanging out around town and working on our projects (my book got a cover makeover!). We also did some indoor activities, including yesterday’s trip to…
…the Che Guevara museum in San Martin de los Andes. This is the only photo we have though, because we arrived during mid-day siesta and it was closed. Which brings me to today’s Travel Tip Tuesday: websites aren’t always updated. We know, this one is super obvious. But this isn’t the first time we’ve found faulty hours on a website. The museum’s website says they re-open at 2:30 in the afternoons, but they don’t actually re-open until 5:00. Oh well, we’ll try again.
Anyhow, it was worth waiting for today, because the weather was perfect for kayaking. Not too hot, not too cold. Our friend Harry even hooked us up with his friend Gonzalo who is a guide, and a fine one at that!
He took us out to La Islita, and on the way we saw lots of beautiful cypress trees and sheer rock walls along the shore. He told us he’d kayaked the whole length of the lake once — which goes almost to Chile — and it took about four hours one way, traveling at a very intense speed.
We were out there about 2.5 hours, including half an hour actually sitting and relaxing on the island. While it’s possible without a guide, we really enjoyed chatting with Gonzalo and learning about the landscape. In the fall, there are hardly any other boats or kayaks out, so it feels like you’ve got the whole lake to yourself.
Here are a few more shots from the trip:
And the crown jewel, my new capri tan lines to accent my shoe tan. Chris kept saying, “Are you sure your legs aren’t just dirty?”
Nope. Just weirdly tanned is all.