
Hoy es el último día en Costa Rica. We have that mix of nervous energy and sadness whenever we’re leaving to head someplace new.
Yesterday we drove from Monteverde around Lake Arenal and then to Alajuela, where we spent today doing some quehaceres, catching up with Christina, and watching a little World Cup.
Here are some photos from the past couple days. See you in Tulum!
Monday morning hike in the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve — we were too late to see birds, but we did see some pizotes
Flora in the forest
One of the things that’s pretty amazing are the big, old trees: they have hundreds of other plants growing on them
A colorful bromeliad growing in the forest
A funky fern
The only photo I took on our night hike was of this little lady tarantula — we also saw some cool birds and bugs
Volcán Arenal shrouded in clouds — the drive around Lake Arenal was lovely and this was a great finishing touch
Our friend Christina came to stay in the same hostel as us before she set off to visit other friends in the area
Alajuela’s central square
The cathedral overlooking Alajuela’s central square
A special screen set up for World Cup watching in downtown Alajuela — go Chile!