
So…leap year life isn’t all sunsets and rainbows. Today we spent much of the day trying to fix a couple issues with our casita.
We LOVE our casita — it’s in a great, great neighborhood, is the perfect size, and has A/C. We’re close to restaurants, cafes, the supermarket, the water, and more. And at $300/month, the price is right. Then we had no running water and woke up to a bunch of cockroaches skittering across our floor.
It sounds worse than it actually is. Most people in La Paz only use tap water for washing dishes and showering, so we had water in the house for drinking. But then we remembered that we couldn’t flush the toilet as a result, unless we wanted to dump our drinking water into it. We called our landlord and he was very apologetic and helpful, and he explained that our water tank must be empty but he’s not sure why. (We swear, we couldn’t have used all of it after only 24 hours!) He hassled the water company and they came to refill our tank right away. Ahora tenemos agua.
And tomorrow morning, pest control is going to come spray for cockroaches. We need to make sure to keep our drains covered going forward. We tried blocking the crack under our back door with a towel, but that’s not really the issue apparently.
But as we were falling asleep last night, we had a moment of, “Are we cut out for this?” I mean, there are things that are more uncomfortable, right? But we woke up determined to find a new place. After showering at Tamara’s dad’s marina, we made some phone calls, and even viewed another house. Trouble is, as mentioned above, we love our casita and it’s very comfortable except for the water issue and las cucarachas. Other places are more expensive and have amenities and extra bedrooms we don’t need.
So we got a hotel room for the night and, if things aren’t resolved in a couple days, we’ll reevaluate. Otherwise, we’re staying put. Feeling both resilient and totally wimpy at once.
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